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Why is it important to have your art and pictures professionally framed?

There are a plethora of good solid reasons to do so, and I hope to enlighten you with some of the facts so you can see for yourself and then make the best decision and come into Left Bank Arts and Framing.

Unfortunately, many normal everyday things out there can damage or ruin your art or pictures. There are plenty of pollutants in the air that can harm us as humans. Many of these same exact elements are just as bad for our art. Dust, dirt, fumes, cigarette smoke are just a few main ones to mention. Sulfur dioxide, for example, will cause paper to discolor, become brittle, and eventually disintegrate. Other pollutants can interact with chemicals in certain artists' pigments. Carbon monoxide and other chemicals in the air can even erode artworks, while soot and dirt particles contribute to discoloring and deterioration. Professional Custom Framing can protect your piece from all of these potential hazards.

The next major contender to deal with is Light. Not only the light we see, but the light we don't see, can damage artwork. The ultraviolet portion of the spectrum, which is invisible to the human eye, is considered the most destructive type of light. Sunlight, whether direct or reflected, is usually more intense than interior lighting, and is a greater threat. You must also watch out for some interior lighting as most fluorescent lights emit ultraviolet waves, and although they're not as intense as sunlight, the potential for damage is significant. Most homes have incandescent lighting, which is safer for your art than fluorescent lights or sunlight. And if you have a picture lamp affixed to the top of your framed artwork, remember to keep it at a safe distance so that the light spreads and no 'hot spot' is created. A rule of thumb for lighting and artwork is typically: "the less light, the better." The medium which is perhaps most vulnerable to light is watercolor, but oil paints are also affected by light over time. Color limited-edition prints are often quite vulnerable to light, too, depending on the type of inks used. Acrylic paint is one of the most durable of media, and if you have a preferred display spot that receives a lot of light, an acrylic work is the best choice for that location.

It may sound gross but believe it or not, Insects can definitely be a hazard to your work and should be made aware of to ensure proper protection. Insects commonly can nest in the back of a picture frame, and if the frame isn't removed from the wall every few months and dusted and checked for bugs, insects can make their home there. This would not be good because they can actually bore through the wood, the backing, and sometimes through the art itself, while on their quest looking for a warm dark place to lay their eggs. As nature goes, the eggs wills hatch, and then you have larvae eating their way out, potentially right through your expensive and irreplaceable painting. It is worth the 5 or 10 minutes everything couple months to take down those fine works and do a little checkover and quick cleaning session.

Finally we come to our last 2 hazardous elements: Heat and Humidity. These are two particularly relevant little devils since most of us locals do reside here in Hot and Sunny South Florida. Heat will unfortunately accelerate the deterioration of paper, as well as contribute to the discoloration or deterioration of a painting. In most paintings, there is a combination of various types of pigments and mediums. Heat forces the different pigments and mediums, as well as the canvas it's on, to expand, often at different rates. This can result in cracks, so remember, all artwork should be hung well away from fireplaces, radiators, heat registers and spotlights.

The humidity in South Florida is constantly at hard work on your art. It strengthens when combined with heat, ultimately encouraging mold and mildew growth. Since paper starts as 99% water, it's even more vulnerable to humidity. Humidity has a lifelong effect on paper, causing it to expand and contract. Art on paper may show some waviness in its surface, which will change from time to time corresponding to the changes in environmental humidity, but proper and professional framing at Left Bank Arts can protect your art against most of the effects of humidity.

When purchasing a fine piece of art, an original work, or even a limited-edition print, you are not getting just another everyday item that can be easily or cheaply replaced. This is a special item of value monetarily and sometimes even more so personally. Sometimes you can even be the owner of a real piece of history and therefore you have to duty to care for it and preserve such an item. Taking care of such an item is not only for your personal pleasure and enjoyment but also for those of future generations to behold. This is exactly where professional framing by Left Bank Arts and Framing comes in to help you properly display and save such a fine piece. We have the finest and use the most cutting edge supplies and equipment available. We can use any of our various glasses and conservation methods to properly mount and preserve your fine work of art. We have both Museum Quality Framing and Glass. We also can use our Acid- Free Matting process. For other fine pieces that are not artwork in nature, we can also professionally aid you with Sports Memorabilia Framing, Needlework, Diplomas Presentations, Sports Jersey Framing, Shadow Boxes, and even Canvas Stretching. If your particular item may not have been listed, we can employ a custom framing strategy for you to ensure you get the outcome you desire. Come in and see us soon.

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